Film Review for Startup or Shut Up

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Startup or Shut up is a show produced by Richie Hecker of Bootstrapper. Richie is a well known critic of start ups and according to his web site, he eats start ups for breakfast. Not many other people eat Start Ups for Breakfast, most people eat Wheaties. Startup or Shut Up is a new weby show where Richie give’s his most honest opinion of the latests Tech Trends . My honest unbiased review is below. Click Here if you want to view the full video for yourself.

Richie brings a bolt of energy to a sometimes dour field of news on Tech Start ups. His information is quite insightful and his knowledge in the Techy field is impeccable but to give you my most honest opinion of his show, I have to say “Snore”.
The topics that Richie talks about pertaining to start ups just are not sexy and saying that he has to do a better job of bringing these topics to life is an understatement. There is also very little use of “Sarcasm” which just destroys my soul inside. Sarcasm is the fuel that makes the monster horny. He has to use some form of Sarcasm to give the show some bite, maybe watch John Stewart and see how he goes about interviewing people. Stewart really makes the person he interviews laugh yet at the same time feel awkward which is awesome and in turn makes the interview hilarious.
Another way to add some zest to the show is maybe to bring some controversy into the show. Maybe bring two people who used to work for the same start up on the show and who had affairs together and then quiz them on different aspects of their social life and then have the audience connect the dots. That would be interesting in my opinion.
I really like his interview with Laurie Davis from eflirtexpert but I think Richie could have gotten a lot more out of the interview like maybe talk about how exactly she exactly manages other people’s dating profiles. I mean I would think that’s its kind of difficult to write someone else’s dating profile cause the whole goal of a dating site is to get to know the real person before you go out on the date. I think that’s a very interesting topic cause if someone is writing your dating profile it kind of defeats the whole purpose of a dating site then its make it kind of more like a Boner match if you know what I mean and less a real dating experience. I could be wrong here.
Overall this is Richie’s first experience with hosting a live Web TV show and it’s just not an easy thing to do but I think he is off to a great start. He has to continually figure out how to create juicy story lines to otherwise boring stories about Tech and Start Ups. Maybe find some scandals or correlate Tiger Woods into his stories some how.

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