This post is in response to the post on ReadWriteWeb about the changes that will happen in Social Media in 2010. The author Ravit Lichtenberg briefly mentions about the desire now for advertisers to want to own their own content. This really attach’s to my own views on where Online Marketing as a whole is heading toward in the future.
This methodology of Content Producer vs Online Marketer is something that I have been advocating for a long time now. In 2010 I believe that this transparency that exists right now between the Content Producer on YouTube and Advertiser in Adwords as an example will be so small that there won’t be no telling the difference.
I would like to take it a step further an analyze the 5 ways that Online Marketing in General will change and evolve over the next year from a B2B point of view.
Companies will finally understand that Short-Term Sales on AdWords are far less valuable that Long-Term Branding on Social Networks. They will understand that AdWords, Affiliate Marketing, and Email Marketing are more a piece of a large puzzle than just the whole puzzle. Companies will have to stop seeking short term gratification in their marketing efforts.
They will invest time and effort in learning more about their customers and where they hang out. They will figure out ways to engage them on different platforms such as Mobile, iTunes, and Youtube etc.
Companies will find out that the quick buck is dead. This is the information age and developing a long term branded image will be the only way to survive. As an example, instead of just buying a product like Diet Pills through email advertisement in the past, now the educated consumer will go on Twitter or Facebook to find out more information on that specific product.
“Video is here for good” Companies will finally figure out that Online Video is the most efficient and engaging way to deliver a message and text emails and text ads will see a dramatic decrease in conversions as people are woo’d in to new catchy video ads that deliver short term entertaining gratification.
There will be intense competition in 2010 on Ad Space and traditional Online Media Buying such as “Adwords” and the companies that put their long term branding first will be the companies that evolve. The more people bidding for advertising the higher the price goes, companies will finally figure out that the difference between them being a $5 million non sustainable company or a $50 Million sustainable company is the role they play in the Social Eco System that we call Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Blogs. The smart companies will become Content Producers and instead of using Social Media as an advertising mechanism they will instead become Trusted Members of the ever growing community.
” Increase In On Site two way communication”
Companies will finally understand the need to stop turning and burning with pressure tactic based sales and landing pages and instead build out products and web sites that encourage the essential two way communication. Now I am not talking about putting a share button next to a piece of content, or making one blog post a year.
I am talking about Polls, User Generated Video Contests or some other fancy cliche that encourage people to speak up their thoughts and be encouraged to not only stay on the site longer but also actually come back to the site as well.
“We aren’t used car salesman anymore now when consumers come to our site we need to be rock stars”. This is what our image has to portray.