I know everyone is reading about this new amazing terminology commonly referred to as “Growth Hacking”.. It seems like a cool trendy topic but like most people you walk away scratching your head at the most obvious question. “How do I apply the growth hacking tips of the Wizards to my start up? ” Below are […]
5 Reasons Why Youtube Wasn’t Built Specifically for the Content Creator
I was at a launch party for a brand that will go un named tonight and I met a couple well-know YouTube content creators that have built a somewhat sustainable business model on creating content specifically for the YouTube audience and then monetizing it through both CPM banner placements through Google and video pre and […]
Branding in a Cup
It never seizes to amaze me about how people’s brain’s respond to seeing images, logos, and brands. Today I walked into the elevator with a cup of Starbucks tea in my hand and I was just minding my business watching these two ladies go back and forth about an episode of Desperate Housewives. This […]