People Don’t Buy What You Do. They Buy Why You Do It

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Not very often do I watch a video online and feel inspired to write about it. In this instance, I felt compelled to because this video enlisted so many thoughts in my mind as far as self-reflection that I feel others can benefit from it as well.

The video I am speaking of is here  originally it was shared to me on Facebook by a complete stranger or should I say a “Facebook Friend” same thing.

The main thoughts I took away from this video pertains to one of the most important areas of our life which is “attraction”. I don’t think I need to go into too much detail about the law of attraction, it has been repetitively re-marketed over and over again as a self help tool realization to the mass’s. I define the law of attraction, very simply as the set of rules that governs the individuals that walk in and out of our lives.

With this said, I have always had the theory that throughout life you are selling yourself no matter what the social situation may be. From the minute you walk on to a college campus, you are in a sense selling people on being your friend.

Fast-forward till later on in life, during your professional life you are selling people on hiring you, on giving you a market rate salary, and maybe even investing in an idea that you have. Overall, it can be argued that your ability to sell people is directly responsible for your long term happiness and success in life.

The point that this video hammers into my mind is that people buy your “purpose” first and foremost before anything else. They do not the perceived benefits friendships. They buy your ideas, thoughts, and dreams and thats why they are in your life..  Our minds work from the inside out and not the outside in, this statement in the video is something I just became keenly aware of, even though I have been leveraging it in online advertising campaigns for a while now.

Your message or purpose is the basis for everyone to follow. Self-achievement is based around purpose, how many people have you led through your beliefs or message? I answered this question and said “very little”.

After watching this video, it made me come to a realization that I have a ways to go as far as self improvement and to get to the point in life where I desire to get to.


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