3 Reasons To Run Facebook Ads From Non Branded Fan Pages

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My fan page strategy is rather unique according to some people.  I currently operate currently hundreds of fan pages. I prefer to run Facebook ads from new fan pages that I build from scratch instead of the current fan pages of brands that I am currently running ads for.

Here are the three reasons why I make the argument that you should create new fan pages to run ads from.

1. The Fan Page Is Your Title of Your Ad in Newsfeed Ads.

If you didn’t notice, when you run ads on the newsfeed the “title of your ad” or the first thing a user see’s in text is the name of your fan page. You cannot change this; this is a default on Facebook ads. It doesn’t matter how your setting up your newsfeed ads, the name of your page is always the title of your ads.

Why not make the title of your ad synergistic with the product that you are marketing. Here is an example of a new custom created fan page+an ad that I made for a stop smoking product that I was marketing.


I choose to create a new fan page for this client instead of running these ads off their branded fan page.

2. Freedom of Content

Another huge by product of creating a new fan page off brand is the freedom of ad copy. When you run ads from a brand or already established fan page, you risk devaluing the brand by creating ads that might come across as aggressive.

If you were to create a new fan page you have the ultimate freedom of content, which as you know goes a long way in Facebook advertising.

3. Segmented Users

Also when you create fan pages to sell product, you can generate highly segmented users by making the fan page around a precise interest.

You don’t have this luxury if you run all your ads from one branded page.

An example of this a fan page in the job/career space that just launched. The name of the page is “Local Jobs In Health Care”, this is an off brand fan page to their main site a job search engine.

The main benefit to the creation of a highly targeted fan page like this is the ability to collect emails off of Facebook around a smaller segment of your audience. Once you are able to collect emails from a small piece of your audience, you can then setup more precise drip emails that are relevant to the users who signed up.

*I firmly believe to create a long-term sustaining Facebook presence, every brand should have fan page around a specific piece of their product offering. Long term, this will create highly segmented Facebook audiences and allow more freedom in the type of ads that can be launched.




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