5 Theories On Human Beings That Always Hold True

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Today I was hiking alone in the Pasadena , as such my mind was going crazy with creative thought. I started pondering, what 5 characteristics hold true in human being’s over 90% of the time.

As both a citizen of this great planet Earth and an online marketer who gets paid to to manipulate people into buying products they don’t need, I feel like nearly a quarter of my day is spent trying to understand the human psych.

*Here is what I came up with.

(A) Most people need someone to follow

This is the number one thing that came to my mind, people need someone to follow and emulate.  I think the reason for this is we all need someone to measure ourselves against and very simply someone to compare ourselves to.

It’s why we read countless books and follow numerous people on social media.


(B) What you think about yourself is not always consistent with what other people think about you.

I learned this simple fact growing up. I used to think I was over-weight, shy, and ugly. My low self confidence was a reflection of my own personal thought and not a reflection of society as a whole.

One of the key’s to self confidence  is to separate your own personal thoughts from reality. Most of the time our thoughts don’t reflect any element of reality.

Cracking the human interpersonal communications code is to take the time to better understand how your counterpart views themselves in their mind. Once you figure this out, you can figure out ways to continually appeal to their ulterior motives.

(C)  If you don’t value yourself high then nobody else will.


Take a minute and think about the last time somebody asked you how you were worth. What did you say? The fact is it doesn’t matter how talented, educated, or experienced you are at anything, if you value yourself high then other people will too. I can’t stress the importance of having a high social value perception . If you value yourself high, then you will attract other people in your life who will think highly of you and value you greatly.

(D) You are who you think you are

I live by this theory that anytime,anywhere, or any-day you have the ability to re-invent yourself because the definition of “who” is up to you to dictate. I believe that in a simpler sense people see who you are, based singularly on who you think you are.

*Example: If you portray yourself as a successful insurance salesman then people will see you as a successful insurance salesman.

The key I believe is to understand how people think of themselves or who do they think are? What role do they envision themselves playing in the “theatrical play” called “life”? Once this is figured out you can then. connect on such a greater level.

(E) The People In You’re Life Can Either Be One Of The Main Reasons Your Successful Or One Of The Main Reasons You Haven’t Made It 

When it comes to monetary wealth, they say that your wealth is usually the median average of your 5 closest friends. That’s not to say, kick out all your not so successful friends from your life. My main take-away from that theory, is that you have to continuously examine your interpersonal friendships.

If your purpose for keeping someone in your life is “because we go way back” then I would certainly re-examine that friendship. Friendship is a 2 way game, if they aren’t providing positive value in your life and contributing real positive energy what is the purpose?

The people in your life can either pull you up to great heights of success or continually push deeper and deeper into a deep abyss.







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