Over the course of life our moods are a by product of a number of different variables. These variables could include but are not limited to Weather, The People Around Us, Our Ambitions or our Self Perception of where we should be or what we should be doing in life.
I know personally the reason for the drop in my moods has always been my self perception or my slower than anticipated climb up the mountain of success and my continued desire for an improved social life. I could pin point most of my historic lows into one of these two categories. Over the course of the last two years, I have systematically came up with ways to not only recognize my short comings but also to cover them up which has enabled to stay increasingly productive in tough times.
If you dig deep into yourself you can really analyze and understand the rationale behind your moods and then categorize them. You then will really understand that you are releasing so much energy over nothing.
The Peaks and Valley’s Theory is a theory that I personally came up with to describe the constant rift going on between reality and perception in our minds. Sometimes we just can’t tell the difference and hence this is reason for most of our short comings.