Top 10 Worst Places To Meet People

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Well now that we know the 10 best places to meet people. Here are 10 places that you want to stay away from.

1.  The Baseball or Football Game– Ladies the chances of you guys capturing our attention at a sporting event where we pay for the tickets are almost slim to none. This is one of the only times when our radar is either turned off or put on cruise control.

2. Restaurants and Buffet. Nobody likes to meet new people when they have a mouth full of food dripping from their mouth. This isn’t a great place to make a first and lasting impression.

3.  The DMV. Nobody wants to talk to anybody when they go to the DMV. The ultimate goal of the DMV is to get in and get out and handle your business. If you do strike up a conversation you are automatically labeled by her social stereotyping as creepy so you have to do whatever it takes to prove that stereotype false.

4.  Ice Cream Shop. Again no girl wants a guy to start to talk her while she is stuffing her face with a messy Ice Cream Cone. She is there obviously to indulge her stomach and to have a guy come over to her while she is getting fat is not going to earn you any brownie points.

5.  Rush Hour Traffic– This has to be on there near the top of the worst places to meet people chart. You are tired after a long day of work and dude cuts you off on the road just because he wants to try to kick game to you. This is never a good idea.

6.  Gym– I know everybody says that this is the greatest place to meet people but I honestly can’t stand people bumping into me at the gym starting conversation. I am at the gym to workout not having useless conversations about the possibilities of it raining tomorrow.

7. The Subway. Nobody likes riding the subway, you get on the subway everybody is depressed its dark and its creepy down there and you in most cases just add to the creepiness of the situation.

8.  The Doctor’s Office. Some people to say this is a great place to meet people but I think its the worst, I mean I don’t want to remember your face from the strep throat that you shard with me.

9.  Wal-Mart, Okay I am going stereotype here the chances of me taking a girl out on a date that I meet at Wal-Mart are slim to none.

10. Car Repair Shop Nobody is happy in the car repair shop. It is a like a universal mood dropper. Everybody in this place is on edge that the guy with two teeth working the desk will spout out something stupid like saying that your car needs new brakes after taking it for a simple oil change. Nobody wants to speak or look anybody while they wait for their car to be done they just want solidarity.

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