Doctors and DJ’s are the Same Job

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So I am driving in my car yesterday from Tampa to Orlando which is like a 2 hour trip and I am sitting there listening to music on 106.7 and 107.1 h and its just the same exact music coming on song after song its either Lady Gaga or some other ultra feminine not so straight guy singing about hooking up with girls.
Like most other times in my life I start thinking about the job of the On Air Radio DJ and how similar it is to the job of a Doctor. The DJ’s job to play the music that is making him/her money right now. So if Lady Gaga’s record labels pays “X” amount of dollars to play a song then he/she will play that song and make it “hot” cause that what DJ’s do they make songs “hot”. He/She is the middleman between you and the music and he/she prescribes to you but what you should be listening to.

The DJ in turn is no different than a Doctor. A doctor will prescribe to you the drugs that he is getting paid to push out from Drug Companies . His job is to make those Drugs hot and popular. Just like the DJ on the radio made Lady Gaga hot,the Doctor made Adderall hot.

Everybody knows doctor is cool because we all know the doctor makes money from both the consumer for prescribing the drug and the drug company on the back end. He has ultimate social proof because he went to Medical School for years and years and not to be stereotypical but he happens to be either Brown or Jewish and according to our society those guys know everything.

In turn, the DJ is cool because he plays music and gets laid all the time and I mean who wouldn’t want that job to play music and get laid all the time so he has superior social proof. In essence, that is the logical reasoning on why we listen to both the DJ and the Doctor mainly because of their ultimate social proof.

Point of the matter there is no difference between the two professions.

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