The term “Team” what it means? In Context of Building a Successful Start-up

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I had an interesting call today with a friend of mine aka Shamoon and we discussed the exact formula for success within a tech startup. We came to the conclusion that their isn’t an exact formula first and foremost.

So many times we are mechanically taught that the success in building a sustainable business is all about the great idea/execution and you put both the

(A) Great Idea

(B) The Building of The Product

(C) Revenue Model

ahead of the most important variable of the business equation and that is team aka “PEOPLE”. How many people out there actually think about building the “team” before the 3 sub topics above? I know lots of people try to piece together everything that encompasses the business then figure out the team and I was one of those people. This specific formula based on simple probability is not what is going to get you to the finish line.

I am systematically trying to change up years of thought patterns on this subject and build a whole new pattern. Usually right after I convince myself that a business is worth doing I try to do it myself flat out and then find myself sitting in Starbucks with a hopeless look on my face after 2 months of busting my balls. After feeling the feeling of burn out, I then proceed to enter into the early stages of what I like to call “solo mediocrity” with a fundamental lack of overall direction in what I am doing on a daily basis. “Solo mediocrity” could also be described as a feeling of loneliness without answers in a business sense.

I now believe that it is imperative no matter what you are doing, to convince other people to work with you and share in your dream. You need to have a team to conquer the world, as much as you tried to convince people otherwise every great business capitalist had a team. From Mark Zuckerberg on down, they had all had a team.

I came to this conclusion by finally understanding on a deep level, if you get people to believe in your thoughts and follow your lead in a project, now you aren’t just working for yourself you are working for a common goal with a like minded group of people and all of a sudden you have a direction. In a way, its not a just about you its about everybody who is on your team and you want to win for the team and this gives you a grounded direction that’s firm and constant. I admit that was a run on system but it was worth it to get my point across.

I have always had this knack to sell people well on my ideas but in a way I could never sell myself and it took a lot of deep reflection to figure this out. The point of the matter is everything  is about the team, it is what’s going to win you the game or lose it and without a “Team” you won’t be able to enter the tournament.



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