The Secret Power In Bringing People Together

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Think back and try to remember your college years, do you remember going to a party on campus or at a fraternity house?  Did the person throwing the party know everybody attending the party?

In some instances they did but in most instances they did not know everyone attending the party.

It didn’t matter if the people who were at the party actually knew the person throwing it. They were there and because of that the person who brought them together immediately had immense social cred and in essence “Influence” over everyone at the party. The minute they meet that person throwing that party, there is automatic respect

Why is that?

The person who brings people together and is the reason for people congregating, firmly holds an incredible power position. It doesn’t matter the topic for which people are there for, or your skill set in that particular genre that people are getting together for. The person bringing people will be looked upon as the most powerful person at the gathering and will be the presumed the thought leader.

Now how you can attribute this to your current situation? Is there something that you are selling or is there a topic that you might want to be a master at? Think deeply here, what is your desired outcome? To become a thought leader, you need to bring together people that are smarter, more successful, and more esteemed then you are. By bringing them together you cast yourself in a much higher light then everyone there together.


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