Psychology vs Statistics

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Are we just numbers or are we actually living and creating human beings? From a marketing point of view most us don’t even exist, we are just ratios and numbers our personal and physiological preferences don’t exist. Our race/gender and sexual preferences are all that matters. It could be said that we are all just apart of some very large random sample that either grows larger or becomes smaller and our information of “who or what” we are is just resold back and forth just like a commodity.

My mind opened up to something new,I just finished reading the book “Super Crunchers” and it just opened my mind to this new and exciting parallel universe called “numbers”. It was a tough transition from the Pyscology readings that I have grown accustom to reading  i.e. books like “Pyschology of Influence” and Malcolm Gladwell.

In essence, the last couple of days my mind has been focused on the same question. Is it easier to predict an outcome of a certain situation based more on “Pysychology ” aka this person likes volleyball so this person is more likely to plan volleyball today or based on properly mapped out statistics?  7 out of 10 prefer volleyball, what will this person prefer?

Is the relationship you have to a  particular person or situation that you are predicting bucketed under the “term” psychology as far prediction method?

I started to do things a little differently by thinking “rationally” about all the small life decisions I made over the last day and then calculating in my mind the statistical chances that the best possible outcome would come true mainly based on past historical data instead of psychology.

Example what is the % chance that the women sitting at the bar would

(A) “greet me warmly i.e. smile when I approach.

(B) Have things in common i.e. we chat for more than 1 minute with the full attention of each other?

(C) Offer me her # for later dialogue.

Generally accepted relationship psychology would say that since she is

(A) Around multiple women,

(B) she has another guy with her, (currently at the bathroom) who she was making out with before.

(C)  Not Drunk yet.

This information would dedicate its a risky proposition in working toward the end goal of success.

Could there be another statistical formula that could better accurately predict the outcome of all personal life situations than the universally accepted behavioral based formula or “Feeling”?

Numbers do tell fascinating stories sometimes I wished I paid attention more to these stories throughout periods of my life.

I think people in general haven’t figured out the overall correlation between historical values of numbers in their life pertaining to his/her interpersonal relationships.



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