Do You Fit In?

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Since the first day of Kindergarten or as far back as I could remember they were what you call “social clicks” or random segments of people who formed peer groups with other like-minded individuals. Every person within the “social click” brought bring some form of tangible social value to stay relevant within the “click”. Social value could mean being good at sport, being hot or fashionable or being intellectually savvy or cunning.

The bonds of people inside of these social clicks in essence became stronger with more and more people that were  locked out of the social click.

When you are in a social click you in essence have a feeling of “fitting in”. I think this is a rather amazing feeling, yet I question the people who seem to always “fit in” as I believe these people lack a necessary chip on their shoulders to continually drive themselves to overwhelming success.

From as long as I could remember I never felt secure or comfortable in a group like environment or click. I always felt like I was unique and I would always find ways to discredit the “click” or find my way out of the click by just being different. I remember my main defense mechanism in the clicks was “humor”, I would try to make people laugh to cover up most of insecurities which most of the time worked but if they didn’t laugh, I felt even more un secure.

I think I share this personality trait with a lot of people, since I never really fit in as a kid I tended to walk around with this gigantic chip on my shoulderIn a sense I relished more than anything being the outcast,  the under dog, or being the overachiever.

It was this underdog feeling that has driven me my whole life to be successful at whatever I do. For this reason, I personally think “fitting in” is not always a good thing. Although socially we need it and it comforts us, I think the most successful people never really fit in to any real social click they instead build their own social click around themselves and then other people are then gravitated into it.

Ask yourself, do you feel like overall you fit in with a specific social circle?  If you do fit in, what role did you play? For instance, I always played the role of the comedian which really sucked because I never fit in with the group from a value proposition and the group in essence never took me seriously which was even more troubling.

Only at an older age, did I really reflect on the social position that I had been taking for the greater part of my life and only now am I powerful enough that I can start building a “click” around me by bringing together incredible individuals with a common bonds.



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