Thailand and Chiang Mai

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I left for Chiang Mai on Bangkok Airways without any plans on where I was going to stay or what I was going to do. I just read so much about the Chiang Mai region of the country that I had to go and plus it had a hilly terrain semi mountainous terrain which I craved.

Bangkok Airways could write a book on customer service, I had an amazing experience flying with them. They have a separate airport lounge with a bunch of free food and coffee and on top of that they allow you to pick the seats you want on the plane after everyone is sitting down.

I arrived in Chiang Mia early in the morning, and I was fortunate enough to arrive the same day of the Night Market which happens once a week. I was also fortunate to find a place almost immediately thanks to a recommendation from a friend here in the states.

My beautiful mosquito free room on the main circle inside Chiang Maa.

This was the first meal in Chaing Maa. I just remember the people being so comforting and the food was remarkable. This meal equated to sweet and sour seafood with veggie spring rolls and coconut water.

Chiang Mai is the center of Thai culture and it is home to a number of majestic old Buddhists temples.

I spent the first day crisscrossing the town, just acting like a tourist and taking random pictures of objects and sites that I thought were “cool”.


As I walked around the local monasteries, I picked up such a deep respect and admiration for the Buddhist culture overall. Their religion is very family interested and even though I did not understand much of the customs as I walked by and watched people praying to Buddha it had a very calming effect on me.


I think if you visit Chiang Mai then you have to try out the blind masseuse. I regret not ceasing the opportunity yet I still snapped up some pictures.

The night market didn’t disappoint, they had several varieties of fried up insects. I should have tried some but I just lost my appetite at my first site of these delicacies.

After day two, I was already getting the quote on quote cabin fever from being in one place to long and I had this strong desire to head north of Chiang Mai into the Chiang Rai area and see the Mekong River and also check out the border regions of Laos and Myanmar.

Chiang Rai is about 3 hours by car north of Chiang Mai and it includes the area known as the Golden Triangle which forms a three country border between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. The Mekong River acts as this border.

I crossed the Mekong into Laos and what I remember about Laos is a poor land-locked third world communist country growing in the shadow of Thailand. China is a heavy benefactor and investor in both Laos and Myammar and all across the Mekong river you could the remnants of chinese investment in the region. These include mostly casino.

Overall what I learned from this trip, is there is so much out there that is unexplored and to have the ability to experience such an amazing pristine culture like Thai’s possess makes me consider myself both fortunate and lucky.

I hope for the people reading my blog, they understand the importance of world travel as it was one of the single reasons for my own continued personal growth. I did not meet one american while in Thailand which is quite shameful.


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