One Month of NO Text Messaging

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Maybe life was really different in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, I’ll never know as I wasn’t around to make a snap judgement but from what I read there seemed to be a much stronger humanistic bond between people. It’s really hard to put this “bond” into perspective or even verbalize it but from what I gather it’s a lot more natural and simplistic in nature.

This is a bond that we don’t see today mainly because of what’s called  “social manipulation” becauase of text messaging, emailing, vining, twittering, and face booking we are able to manipulate who we are or how we are to be looked by our counterparts. This perception of who are is then jaded in the minds of others and this in a weird way leads to us not really knowing nor connecting with our counter parts in a very personal or sustaining way.

The best interactions and connections in life in my opinion come from a very natural and improvised environment where both parties need to think quick on their feet to generate a connection, this tends to be true  in both business and personal. Even though I don’t notice it, I am indeed changing the way I interact over text,email, and social because I am very sensitive to the way people perceive me and my actions. I don’t think this type of manipulation on my part is necessary so taken that into account, I plan on giving up text messaging for a month starting monday August 26th to September 26th.

I will still see your text message but I won’t respond, unless there is some type of unforeseen emergency.

What effect will this have socially is what I am fascinated with.

I will report back results.

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